Cafe Colombo is a cafe. The cafe is always busy. People buy the coffee and ice cream there. People wearing good clothes and they talked a lot. Charlie does not sit in there. He is a child, but he is working as a shoeshine boy. He doesn't go school. He has a family, but he hasn't father. He lives with his mother and his brothers and sisters. One day a old man walking along the road. He sold the lottery tickets. One man bought it! " Give me a ticket!" Charlie was watching it. The man walking to taxi, and he ride on it. But he didn't notice that he dropped his ticket. Charlie said to him, "Your ticket!" But he didn't notice. Charlie brought at home it. He shows his mother. His mother said "tomorrow will be announcement day of this ticket. He has a dream the night. A goat the ticket. The goat also eat ticket numbers.
The next day, his mother went to there. Charlie went to there too. "Seven, Five, Three...."
What do you think that will be the lucky day for charlie's family?
(16341 words)
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