I got many e-mails and present. I'm very glad.
I didn't understand that friends are what a important to me. But I'm happy to
having many fun and kind friends.
I'm sad that I can't watching TV in Japan. I'll watch it youtube:D Today, my parents came to Kumamoto, so we went to town and went to dinner. I wanted to eat oyster very much!!! So, we went to it! It was sooooooo delicious!!!

I'm sad that I can't watching TV in Japan. I'll watch it youtube:D Today, my parents came to Kumamoto, so we went to town and went to dinner. I wanted to eat oyster very much!!! So, we went to it! It was sooooooo delicious!!!
We talked and eat again. Then I went to back my house by taxi. It is rain tonight, isn't it? That't why.
Now, I'm cleaning my room and packing my so heavy baggage. I can't into it to my suit case, because there are many my stuffes in it. But yesterday night, my friend came to my room, and she packed all my bagagge!! I was surprised, she can put into it. And she put it about 1 hour. I gave chocolate to her. The chocolate was got from my friend. It is also delicious♥
I heared that Melbourne is 43 degree!! It's very hot! Australia is in summer now. Melbourne is most cold area in Australia. But 43 degree..I'm OK, because I like summer better than winter. However I like winter clothes, winter clothes are more cute than summer for girls.
Now, there are held tennis cup in Melbourne. Ms. Date is playing there now. I want to see it. And I want to see F-1. It is also famous event in Melbourne.
I canceled my mobile phone today, its cost was about 10000 yen!! I will but it in Australia. It will be fun for me. I wan to use it.
I'm sleepy now. I'm going to clean up my room and then I go to bed soon. I will leave at 9:00 tomorrow to Fukuoka air port. I heared my friends who went to New Zealand were crying there. I'm not sure, I'll be crying? I wish I don't cry. We leave at 2:45 to Narita air port. It is also fun for me, I've never been there. We have to waiting there about 3 hours? And we arrive at Sydney in the morning. It is long distance and time. I want to expected to watch good movie in airplane. I want to "MANMAMIA" today. But I can't. I want to rent DVD in Australia. Then, I wish I can listening in English.
Recently I really want to go to Europe. One girl living in France now, I affected by her. I want to go to Europe. I reading her blog almost every day. She is very fashionable and cute person. Her clothes are cute! I commentated on her blog sometime. I'm happy that she responded to me. I want to watch her blog for now.