I went to beauty salon today. My friend Yu-i told me. She gave me proce down card, so I could cut low cost. Thanks Yu-i. It took about 2 hours and 30 minutes.
After that, I went to shopping. I bought cosmetic. I wanted to buy it before. It is like powder. It is very useful.
And I did it today. I wrote this blog 10000 words!!! My one issue of writing class is finish! I'm happy. But I must write 15000 words in next term. I don't care, because I like to write blog recently.
Essay1-7 A movie review

I like watching movie. I’ll write about “My Blueberry Nights”. I watched it about 4 month ago. This movie’s casts are Norah jones, Jude Law and other famous actors. Norah Jones is a famous singer. She tried the act to this movie. Why I interested in this movie because, this movie’s picture is very mysterious. I don’t know what I express my feeling. Anyway, I wanted to see this movie. I went to theater with my friend. Norah is broken hearted her ex-boyfriend. It made her very sad. She goes to a coffee shop. This shop’s owner is Jude. Her mind is cracked because her ex-boyfriend was cheated with other girl. So, she goes to the coffee shop day by day. Jude makes all sweet and foods in this coffee shop. The blueberry pie was remained always. But, she likes the blueberry pie and him. He was worried about her. One day, she decided that she left this town. She goes some town. And she stayed there a few days. She works hard, because her mind was not heals yet. She wanted to works don’t sleep. Jude was so worried about her. She sent him mail sometime, but she didn’t back. She stayed some towns. She learned and felt through other people. Her mind became healing. She noticed one thing. And Jude was also that. They need each other. When she broken hearted, he made her save kindly. He kept watched her quietly. After 6 month or 1 year, she came back him finally. She eats a blueberry pie again. Its taste is not change. She found again. She needs him. He watched sleeping her. Time is slowly. I thought this movie’s mood or air is passing slowly. I thought I want to meet like Jude.
I will coming of age day on next January. I decided my Kimono 3 month ago. It is very fast, but my mother took me beauty salon and where we borrow kimono. I could not decide Kimono, because all Kimono is beautiful!! I wore some Kimono, black, yellow, purple, white and etc...Finally, I decided red.
But, I haven't made up my mind recently((+_+)) I want to wear black and pink Kimono or purple kimono recently. I know I don't have to change my mind, but it is the just once. Coming of age day is not come again.
I thought my Kimono is not good, but my friends said me "This is not bad!" I was glad. My feeling is better. I don't know why I can not decide.
And I want to get Yukata. I want to go to summer festival wearing Yukata. I could not go summer festival last year. I want to eat Okonomiyaki, Kakigoori, Ringoame etc....
But, I haven't made up my mind recently((+_+)) I want to wear black and pink Kimono or purple kimono recently. I know I don't have to change my mind, but it is the just once. Coming of age day is not come again.
I thought my Kimono is not good, but my friends said me "This is not bad!" I was glad. My feeling is better. I don't know why I can not decide.
And I want to get Yukata. I want to go to summer festival wearing Yukata. I could not go summer festival last year. I want to eat Okonomiyaki, Kakigoori, Ringoame etc....
My favorite movie or movies1-10
My favorite movie is “Love Actually”. This is consists for some stories. I like all stories. I like opening and ending too. We can see the airport then. I think the scene is very beautiful. I rent the DVD many times. I told my friend about this movie. And we watched together. She said me “I love this movie.” I’m glad.
I like action movie too. I watched “Matrix” when I was junior school student. I was excited. I have never seen such a movie. “Matrix” has 3 series, but I like story 1. It is most interesting whole stories. My hobby is watching movie. I like movie. I want to watch a lot of movie. And I want to find my favorite movie again.
I like action movie too. I watched “Matrix” when I was junior school student. I was excited. I have never seen such a movie. “Matrix” has 3 series, but I like story 1. It is most interesting whole stories. My hobby is watching movie. I like movie. I want to watch a lot of movie. And I want to find my favorite movie again.
Summer vacation plans1-14
I have some summer vacation plans. First, I will go to abroad with my friends. We are making plan the trip to Asian country. But it is high cost for us and our schedule not much. Of course I want to go with her. So, I hope that we can go! Second, I’m going to back my hometown about 1 week in August. I want to see my family, friends. I’m looking forward to seeing them. Third, I want to improve my English skill while summer vacation. I did not study last summer vacation. So, I decided that my English to improve. And I want to study exam for secretary. I want to take secretary’s exam in November. I want to pass at once! I will start to this study in summer vacation. But, I have to save my money first!!
What I think about blogging1-13
I’ve never done the blog before. I’m lazy, so I thought that I can’t continue it. But we must do blog, because we must type 10000 words in spring term. I’m enjoying do blog now. I can save my memory and diary. My blog words are about 7000 words now. I also enjoying that I introduce my favorite music, book, movies. I couldn’t past animation, for example You-tube. But now, I can do that. I can see my class mate’s blog. It is very fun. I can find that my friends’ thinking. I’m glad my friends gave me some comment. I’m enjoying my blog life.
All about my keitai1-12
I bought keitai last November. I wanted to get it, because its function is new. And I like the color of it. My keitai color is wine red and slide keitei. I never had used slide keitai. I use the E-mail most. Next, I use i-mode and internet. We can listen to music and song by keitai. It is very good point. When I went to abroad, they using the keitai like in Japan, but these keitai can not listen to song. I thought Japan’s keitai is great! Usually, I don’t use telephone function. Maybe it cost is higher than E-mil. I can exchange the E-mail with my family, friends. We can not live without keitai now. Keitai is very useful and necessary to communicate.
Using the computer, good points and bad points1-11
We get a lot of information from internet. It is very useful. We can know about all over the world. And we use E-mail. We can contact to our friends, family whenever or wherever. These things are very good points. If we use the computer rightly, we don’t need care about bad point. However, internet is used wrong sometime. It is bad point. We need thinking about how to use it rightly. We can not live without computer or internet now. We must protect rules on the computer, and we can enjoy the computer life.
Foreign country1-9
I like trip. I like go to somewhere in Japan, but I like to go to foreign country. Foreign country has different culture. It is very interesting to find for me. The culture and language is different! My major is English, so I want to go to country where using English. But I went to Asian country twice before. It was so fun!
I want to go to a lot of foreign countries someday. It will be unforgettable memory for me. I am planning to go to foreign country with my friend. I’m looking forward to go to country where we have never been.
I want to go to a lot of foreign countries someday. It will be unforgettable memory for me. I am planning to go to foreign country with my friend. I’m looking forward to go to country where we have never been.
My other classes1-8
I’ll write about my other class of Reading. We have to do homework every week. For example, we do the homework of text book. It is look up from English news paper. And we must check the Japanese news paper, because my teacher gives us some news quiz. But it will be good custom. We must know world news more, my teacher says always. He taught us how to read the news paper. I didn’t know about that, so it is good for me.
How I study English1-7
I watch movies often, so I training listening skill usually. When I watching a movie, I listen to English and to watch caption in Japanese. And, I listening music in U.S or Canada. These songs are in English of course, so I think my English skill is improve a little naturally. I need not only listening study, but also grammar study. I’m not good at grammar. I want to study it steadily. I rent a book from my university’s library recently. This book is grammar book. It is very useful for me, so I read it. I want to rent grammar book again!
Food and eating habits1-6
My favorite foods are cheese, vegetable and cookie. Especially, I like cheese. Cheese can use many foods. I try any food, if it is used cheese. And of course vegetable is necessity for us to live. It is essential to our health. I think cookie is wonderful sweet! I used to don’t like it, but my friend like cookie, so I like it recently.
My eating habit is good usually, because I live in a dormitory, so some people cooking everyday. It is healthy. We can eat breakfast and dinner at our dormitory. Menu is change everyday. It is not also Japanese food but also Chinese or Italian. I want to eat cooked meals by my mother sometime. Actually, it is feats for me.
My eating habit is good usually, because I live in a dormitory, so some people cooking everyday. It is healthy. We can eat breakfast and dinner at our dormitory. Menu is change everyday. It is not also Japanese food but also Chinese or Italian. I want to eat cooked meals by my mother sometime. Actually, it is feats for me.
My hobbies1-4
I'll write about my hobbies.
First, I like watching movie. I like action movie, but I watching romance movie recently. I'm trying listening to in English, but I cannot listen to all.
Second, I like listening to music. Recently, I like Mroon5. They are American group. Everybody is men. Their songs are used some commercial on TV. Their music makes me comfortable. Third, I like shopping. I like not only buying, but also just watching shops. I like window shopping. It is helps reduce my stress.
First, I like watching movie. I like action movie, but I watching romance movie recently. I'm trying listening to in English, but I cannot listen to all.
Second, I like listening to music. Recently, I like Mroon5. They are American group. Everybody is men. Their songs are used some commercial on TV. Their music makes me comfortable. Third, I like shopping. I like not only buying, but also just watching shops. I like window shopping. It is helps reduce my stress.
Golden weeks plans1-5
My golden week plans are especially nothing, but I went to shopping center with my friend. When I arrived there, my friend called me. “Where are you?” We misunderstood each other the place of shopping center. I was surprised. I thought she don’t come here, because the place is far away from here. After that I receive an e-mail from her. She said that she come to here! I was surprised again. It takes about 2 hours, but she came. I was so glad to meet her.
Music I like1-3
I like listening to music. Music is useful, for example in the train or bus and during I walking. We can use music in the free time, but it is not only useful. Music helped us. When we feel sad, happy, exciting and when we broken hearted. Music prompt our emotion for good way and it is remind us of the past.
I listening to music of U.S.A or U.K usually, of course I'm listening to music of Japan too.
Music is necessity for me and it is give me comfortable. I think music can heal us.
I listening to music of U.S.A or U.K usually, of course I'm listening to music of Japan too.
Music is necessity for me and it is give me comfortable. I think music can heal us.
First classes 1-2
I had writing class the first time in this year. I don't understand about homework or essay system, but I'll do my best to write my blog or homework. I should ask my friends and Mr. Tomei. We have to write our blog 10000 words in this term, so I will write about everyday. The content is book review, diary and essay.
Spring Vacation1-1
I went to Australia in spring vacation. I stayed there about 1 month. It was so fun! I learned English at school. I was worried about my English skill, but my teacher and host family were very kind me.
I could make a lot of country’s friends. It is very glad for me, because I wanted to talk with many kinds of country’s people since when I was a child. I couldn't’t get on bus first time. I asked some people. Every people were told me how to catch my bus, so I was glad.
I was enjoyed 1 month in Australia. I want to go again!
I could make a lot of country’s friends. It is very glad for me, because I wanted to talk with many kinds of country’s people since when I was a child. I couldn't’t get on bus first time. I asked some people. Every people were told me how to catch my bus, so I was glad.
I was enjoyed 1 month in Australia. I want to go again!
Ice cream!

I ate this! This is Haagen-Dart ice. This taste is Mille-feuille. I wanted to eat it since I saw this on P.C. This was good!
I have a TOEFL test this Sunday. It is last chance for me, because exchange students selection's due is 30 on July. So it is last chance for me.
We will start final exam from next week. I have 4 final exam next week. And, I have to study 2 subjects for 2 weeks later. I have 4 reports now. But I already finished 2 reports. I am so busy on July. I can not do a part-time job.
I called to my parents just now, because I wanted told about my summer vacation. I was so busy last summer vacation, so I went back home only a few days. I had hard part time job. But I don't have busy part time job this year. My friends will go to home stay. So, I have free time a lot. So, I don't know what I do. I'm alone. I talked about our summer vacation with my friend. She is also don't go home stay, she will go back home. Because she is going to go to a driving school. I don't have driver7s licence. So, I thought I get driver's license on this summer vacation. But, my home town is country side. It is a little boring. I haven't made up my mind!! What should I do?? My parents was agreed of me.
I have 2 report this week. I must write Cultural Anthropology and Modern Japanese Culture. I wrote Cultural Anthropology already, but I don't finish Modern Japanese Culture. I must read the book of it. It is difficult. I'll read it for now. My weekends will be finish...I spend slowly this weekends.
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