i went to Fukuoka on x'mas. Cuz i had to take medical examination. i arrived about at 12:00. i met my high scool friend. She lives there as a student. She already decided her job. She start job on April. i was so glad when i heared the news. i hope she spend happily her new life. Anyway, i met her and we walked around many places. i really wanted the boots (good price, the mean = not too expensive). We found very goood boots. Of course we got it. i was very satisfied of the shopping.

What is it? Can you guess that?
This is brand's display. This is very interesting, isn't it??
After that we had a dinner. We ate noodle, "tsukemen". i've never eat it. It is not bad.
My most purpuse in Fukuoka was to watch illumination.
This pictures are in canal city's. While we watch this, fake snow falling. There were a lot of couple. We took a picture with santa.
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