Knockers were worn by men in middle ages. It is long size at first, but they did farm work. So, the short size is may useful for them. And they didn't have soap. Surprisingly, they even tried using animal dung
!!! I can't believe! After washed, they splurged on plenty perfume. Rich men wearing several pairs of drawers. But women didn't wearing it. They wore the simple tunic, under their dress. In the 17th century, women also wore drawers, but it is nit same of men. It is the seams between the legs were left wide open. They going to toilet is easy!

Today, people like much shorter and tighter pants. Everyone wants to comfortable and glamour one.
In the 16 century, people wore corsets. They like small waists and curry hips. The corsets can make the those body line. In the 20th century, corsets shrank to just circle waist, because the new fashion appeared.
Next, let me tell about the petticoats and hoops. The Spanish
liked a bell-sha frame. The French preferred a drum look...while the English went for a cone design. when corset went out of fashion, breasts need a different of support, so they wore camisoles. Brassiere is French word. Now, bras are big business for women. ( 15080 words)

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