
My normally day

I forgot to bring all textbooks today(+o+)
My first class was canceled, so I took from second classes.I took a American literary history class on second class. We had watched a movie for 2 weeks. It is "The last of Mohican". It was written by James Fenimore Cooper. The word "Mohican" is well known word, because most of people think hairstyle. I heard that it is origin to this Mohican.
I've never watched this movie. There are some horrible scenes in this movie. My friend couldn't see many scenes, so she asked me many time. "What are they doing?" It's funny:-) But she is seems to scary seriously. The story is difficult. We have to write the report about this. My teacher said "You must write objectively. And you must focus what you feel most." Actually it is very difficult. There is an inclination to write feeling for me.
The movie was interesting. There are action, love, history, tribe, colony etc...in this movie. I have to start to write about this. And I have to decide what I want to write. I'm going to thinking!!

I was surprised! The main cast is Daniel Day-Lewis. He got Academy awards twice. He was changed!!:-O


1 件のコメント:

kazu さんのコメント...

Thank you a comment.
I'll go to your blog!!