Little Bear like drawing the picture. He decided that to draw for his grand mother. He asked hen to take his picture to grand mother. The grand mother was happy. She said to hen, "This kiss is for Little Bear." She asked to hen. Hen met some friends and hen asked to frog to bring the kiss for Little Bear. Frog saw the cat near the pond. He asked the cat to bring the kiss for Little Bear. "
Oogh!" said the cat. Cat met skunk. And also
asked the kiss. Little skunk was glad. He met another skunk. She is pretty skunk, so he kissed her. She is also
kissed him. And he gave it back too. Hen came and said "Too much kissing." Finally, hen kissed
Little Bear. Skunks decided to marry. They had a good wedding. Many friends came. Everyone are happy.
♡♥♡(6234 words)
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