I write about this story next. Woody is the doll of Andy. Woody is lives peacefully with many dolls. He is the leader of those dolls and toys. One day they had a meeting about the fact that this family will move to another city. And there is the party that day. Andy’s birthday party! They worried about the new toys, because if Andy likes the new one, he is tired of old ones. But Andy is not, everyone thought he is special. Andy is also thinks that. So, he is surprised when Buzz came. He is not worried about being the favorite doll for Andy. Buzz really believed that he is a real hero. Andy is disgusted and envious. He was sad. He did a trick to Buzz. But it was not just a trick. Buzz fell out of the window. All the toys are angry and disappointed in Woody.
Unfortunately, Woody and Buzz get lost that night. And they were caught by Sid. He is living next to Andy. He had many dolls, but he destroys the toys. So, Woody and the other toys feared Sid. Buzz was disappointed, because he noticed that he is not a real space ranger. Woody was tried to escape from Sid’s house. There are many toys there, but everyone has been destroyed or adaptated by Sid. He feared them at first but he found out later that they are very kind. They fixed Buzz’s arm. Woody suggested that everyone should be happy. He made a good plan. They threatened Sid, and said “do not destroy the toys!” Sid is so scared of them. Woody and Buzz went out to Sid’s house, and they went after Andy’s car. His car had already left for another city. It is impossible for them to catch the truck, but they have friends. Thanks to the friends, they finally met Andy. They ended the adventure happily. Then Christmas is coming, they don’t care about new toys! They get along with each other.
I watched this movie when I was an elementary school student. So, this is long time since I have seen it. This was more interesting than I thought before. This movie for children, but I could enjoy! I thought that we should use our stuff more carefully. I understand Woody’s f

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