I had first tutorial class today, i had to read 2 articles but i couldn't catch the points both of articles. I was looking for the class, there are s many buildings in my uni, so I don't know exactly still now. I asked a women who came out from toilet. "Excuse me, do you know where is ***? I went to there but i couldn't find it." She looks teacher, but I guess she is also student or staff here. She was so kind, and try to find the classroom. Suddenly, her friend who with child came us, we asked her but she doesn't know. She went away suddenly this time as well. The women said me"Come on!:) I'm gonna find it!" She is cool:) She asked one student, but he couldn't help us. Finally, we found the class which i went to just now. I went to this building but i didn't see only the classroom.
"oh, my god, I'm so sorry. Thank you." "Don't worry. I have plenty of time." And she went away. People help me when I'm troubling always, but I need do it myself more:S
Anyway, i entered the classroom, there are some students, they seems to read the articles carefully, and they had the paper which written questions and opinions. I had no idea what is going on this class.
The old lady came into the class with elegance, she has blond hair and glasses. She was talking first 20 minute or 30 minutes. We just listened to her talking. She didn't talk about 2 articles. She made 2 gropes which we are going to research about anthropology. We decided to compare agora theater and library in uni. (Agora thater which is in uni, and many students having lunch, coffee, talking. looks so peaceful place. when i was language center student, I was longing for having lunch there:))
From anthropological viewpoint, we need to pick up 5 different point about culture. We can be analysing how people behavior or uni culture. And i want to focus on people especially, like students and staff, students behavior in both of areas. Claire who is our tutor said first, we need to think about observe about our research. Second, we think about ourselves.
Library and Agora theater are social places in uni, we focus on social environment.
1, environment as a social place 2, training room, study room 3, considered responsibility(mobile phone or something) I don't understand 2nd one, so i need to ask my classmate next time. And we will presentation about our research task.
I have 3 students in my group. one guy is looks Chinese, he speaks english fluently. One girl who looks younger, and clever. One women who has blond hair, i know her cuz i saw her in anthropology and sociology lectures.
I thought that i have to say something, so i said 2 or 3 words. This was maximum effort for me. lol
I need to tell about my english to tutor and classmate sometime soon.
I went to lecture class at 2:00. It was fun, we watched 2 kinds of documentary. One is that 2 australian families tried to live together with tribe. It looks exciting, but difficult especially teenager. One of daughter in family from Sydney cried. Each tribe has rules in the village.
The lecture is interesting, and professor's english is well, i don't know but women's english is more easier to listen.
What is difference of sociology and anthropology?
anthro:quality of research
socio:quantity of research
for me sociology is much more harder.
I need to starting to write essay..:)
Nothing to do is happy? or unhappy?
I'm going to go to school from tomorrow, it's going to be busy.. busy days. I haven't gone there about 1 month, so I'm worry about that I can catch up with classmate. The class which I'm jumped in is tough class in school. But after 3 weeks, I can go to university. Why I want to go to university is simple reason. I don't need pay for university fee! That's the most big reason, but it's valuable time. I know I don't have enough English skill to study in university. But there is possibility to try it.
I have a free 1 week since i came here. But sometime it's nothing to do, but i knew it'll start busy days. Let's do it. Just do it keeping my pace.
Time is past, Life is fast. This is the impression about a 1 movie of my friend and me.
I have a free 1 week since i came here. But sometime it's nothing to do, but i knew it'll start busy days. Let's do it. Just do it keeping my pace.
Time is past, Life is fast. This is the impression about a 1 movie of my friend and me.
these days....
I came back here again, and it's getting very cold here! i can't believe it:( it's almost same as Japan....anyway, I have about 6 months at least. One of my friend said me like, she really enjoyed here and she made a lot of friends! And she said be careful boys!...lol I think it's really precious time for my life. I'm a 20 years old, and student, this time never came!
Today, one of my friend left here, there are many parting..I did it a few days ago, so I know the feeling which is such a sad. I couldn't show the feeling at the time. But I realized that people meet people, it's "ICHIGO ICHIE". I learned many things day by day. And I'm thinking in my future, when I come back to Japan, I'm going to start job-hunting. It's going to be busy and hard..I don't know what i want to do exactly. But recently, I'm getting realize what i want to do..I'm just try to do my best:)
Today, one of my friend left here, there are many parting..I did it a few days ago, so I know the feeling which is such a sad. I couldn't show the feeling at the time. But I realized that people meet people, it's "ICHIGO ICHIE". I learned many things day by day. And I'm thinking in my future, when I come back to Japan, I'm going to start job-hunting. It's going to be busy and hard..I don't know what i want to do exactly. But recently, I'm getting realize what i want to do..I'm just try to do my best:)
I didn't do anything today
I didn't do anything when I came back home today...I ate dinner, I slept about 1 hour and I watched drama and movie. I try to persuade me "it's good relax for me, it's important for me such a day!" I haven't written my diary for a long time, but I don't give up still now. I'm writing it sometime when it happens good thing or bad thing.
I stared new class on this Monday, i heard it is most difficult class in language center, but i like my teacher. She can't see her eye, she can't hear her ear. She can use each one eye and ear. In our class policy is "just do it!" "nothing to do impossible" "relax" "laugh". It's good policy, don't you think so?
I don' wanna feel regret, just do it! I know. What I can do here, now?
Time is past soon amazingly. I can't believe it takes 3 months already. Was i grown up? was i changed? maybe i can feel when I go back.
I stared new class on this Monday, i heard it is most difficult class in language center, but i like my teacher. She can't see her eye, she can't hear her ear. She can use each one eye and ear. In our class policy is "just do it!" "nothing to do impossible" "relax" "laugh". It's good policy, don't you think so?
I don' wanna feel regret, just do it! I know. What I can do here, now?
Time is past soon amazingly. I can't believe it takes 3 months already. Was i grown up? was i changed? maybe i can feel when I go back.
I got many e-mails and present. I'm very glad.
I didn't understand that friends are what a important to me. But I'm happy to
having many fun and kind friends.
I'm sad that I can't watching TV in Japan. I'll watch it youtube:D Today, my parents came to Kumamoto, so we went to town and went to dinner. I wanted to eat oyster very much!!! So, we went to it! It was sooooooo delicious!!!

I'm sad that I can't watching TV in Japan. I'll watch it youtube:D Today, my parents came to Kumamoto, so we went to town and went to dinner. I wanted to eat oyster very much!!! So, we went to it! It was sooooooo delicious!!!
We talked and eat again. Then I went to back my house by taxi. It is rain tonight, isn't it? That't why.
Now, I'm cleaning my room and packing my so heavy baggage. I can't into it to my suit case, because there are many my stuffes in it. But yesterday night, my friend came to my room, and she packed all my bagagge!! I was surprised, she can put into it. And she put it about 1 hour. I gave chocolate to her. The chocolate was got from my friend. It is also delicious♥
I heared that Melbourne is 43 degree!! It's very hot! Australia is in summer now. Melbourne is most cold area in Australia. But 43 degree..I'm OK, because I like summer better than winter. However I like winter clothes, winter clothes are more cute than summer for girls.
Now, there are held tennis cup in Melbourne. Ms. Date is playing there now. I want to see it. And I want to see F-1. It is also famous event in Melbourne.
I canceled my mobile phone today, its cost was about 10000 yen!! I will but it in Australia. It will be fun for me. I wan to use it.
I'm sleepy now. I'm going to clean up my room and then I go to bed soon. I will leave at 9:00 tomorrow to Fukuoka air port. I heared my friends who went to New Zealand were crying there. I'm not sure, I'll be crying? I wish I don't cry. We leave at 2:45 to Narita air port. It is also fun for me, I've never been there. We have to waiting there about 3 hours? And we arrive at Sydney in the morning. It is long distance and time. I want to expected to watch good movie in airplane. I want to "MANMAMIA" today. But I can't. I want to rent DVD in Australia. Then, I wish I can listening in English.
Recently I really want to go to Europe. One girl living in France now, I affected by her. I want to go to Europe. I reading her blog almost every day. She is very fashionable and cute person. Her clothes are cute! I commentated on her blog sometime. I'm happy that she responded to me. I want to watch her blog for now.
Exam Weeeek!!
We are exam time now. I have 5 exams at last in this week. Then, I have to clean up my room. Because I have to bring back to my all baggage to my house where living my parents. And I packing to my suitcase. But I should decrease my baggage more, because I can't bring till 20 kg to airport. I can't do that!! It's impossible, so I asked to my mother to send me winter clothes.
Yesterday, I went to town. I went to alone. I entered the coffee, then my friend was also came there. We were surprised. We went to shopping together. Almost shops did SALE. We were able to found good clothes there. Of course we bought it:D I'm happy to got some clothes and pump.
Today, I went to the library. There were many students. Everyone seems to study for exam. Me too. I studied English introduction. It is difficult, but I studied with concentrate.
Now, I'm going to study again!
(16986 words)
Yesterday, I went to town. I went to alone. I entered the coffee, then my friend was also came there. We were surprised. We went to shopping together. Almost shops did SALE. We were able to found good clothes there. Of course we bought it:D I'm happy to got some clothes and pump.
Today, I went to the library. There were many students. Everyone seems to study for exam. Me too. I studied English introduction. It is difficult, but I studied with concentrate.
Now, I'm going to study again!
(16986 words)
Movie Review 2-6 "Mission:Impossible"

I introduce about characters first. Ethan Hunt is a spy who is good at disguise. He is a leader of his group. Jim Phelps is dividing Ethan's spy group. He isn't young, so he can't action, but they trust him. He has decision. He received the command first. He has a wife, Claire. Claire Phelps is also spy. And she is wife of Jim. Franz Krieger is Ethan's later team member. He helps him. Eugene Kittridge is a boss who is controls soy group. And he doubts Ethan.
The story begins at the party. Etan and other spy members did their secret investigation to catch the culprit who stealed the disc. There are names that CIA in it. So, their aim is to catch the criminal and get the disc. They were great spy team, so they thought the investigation is also success this time too. But Ethan's friends were killed by someone except Ethan. He was so shocked. He contacted Kittridge who is a boss of their team. But he listened the investigation is to find traitor. He escaped barely from restaurant. Because, Kittridge tried to catch Ethan. When he goes back to fastness, Claire was also come back. Ethan was doubts her first. He thought she was died. But she offered that she wants to help him. "My husband was also killed."

They contacted to Max who is a dealer. They tried to sell the disc; Ethan thought if it will succeed, a real traitor is appearing. They welcomed the new members to get the disc. It is very difficult mission, because the room of disc is sharp to enter. They did each role to achievement the mission. And they got the disk finally. But Ethan knew his mother and uncle were caught by police. It is a Kittirdge’s trap to decoy Ethan. He called Kittridge in London, and then he met Jim. Ethan thought Jim was killed, so he couldn’t believe it. He understand whole of the affair.
They decide to meet Max in train. Kittridge is also there. Ethan waited the room. Clair entered the room. She found Jim who is a husband of Clair. She said him, you should not kill Ethan. But Jim is put off his face cover. It is Ethan! The real traitor is Jim and Clair. And his new member, Franz is also Jim’s friend. Clair was died. Ethan and Jim were struggled. He proofed his innocent. He don’t want to back spy. But when he ride in the plan, he received the video…..it maybe a command.
I watched this movie before, but I didn’t watch all. This is spy movie in U.S.A. I like 007 which made in UK. So I enjoyed compare two movies. “Mission:Impossible “ is made not only 1. This is continuing 2 and 3. I want to try to watch 2 and 3 someday.
The story begins at the party. Etan and other spy members did their secret investigation to catch the culprit who stealed the disc. There are names that CIA in it. So, their aim is to catch the criminal and get the disc. They were great spy team, so they thought the investigation is also success this time too. But Ethan's friends were killed by someone except Ethan. He was so shocked. He contacted Kittridge who is a boss of their team. But he listened the investigation is to find traitor. He escaped barely from restaurant. Because, Kittridge tried to catch Ethan. When he goes back to fastness, Claire was also come back. Ethan was doubts her first. He thought she was died. But she offered that she wants to help him. "My husband was also killed."

They contacted to Max who is a dealer. They tried to sell the disc; Ethan thought if it will succeed, a real traitor is appearing. They welcomed the new members to get the disc. It is very difficult mission, because the room of disc is sharp to enter. They did each role to achievement the mission. And they got the disk finally. But Ethan knew his mother and uncle were caught by police. It is a Kittirdge’s trap to decoy Ethan. He called Kittridge in London, and then he met Jim. Ethan thought Jim was killed, so he couldn’t believe it. He understand whole of the affair.
They decide to meet Max in train. Kittridge is also there. Ethan waited the room. Clair entered the room. She found Jim who is a husband of Clair. She said him, you should not kill Ethan. But Jim is put off his face cover. It is Ethan! The real traitor is Jim and Clair. And his new member, Franz is also Jim’s friend. Clair was died. Ethan and Jim were struggled. He proofed his innocent. He don’t want to back spy. But when he ride in the plan, he received the video…..it maybe a command.
I watched this movie before, but I didn’t watch all. This is spy movie in U.S.A. I like 007 which made in UK. So I enjoyed compare two movies. “Mission:Impossible “ is made not only 1. This is continuing 2 and 3. I want to try to watch 2 and 3 someday.
(16819 words)
Book Review 2-14 "Lucky Number"

Cafe Colombo is a cafe. The cafe is always busy. People buy the coffee and ice cream there. People wearing good clothes and they talked a lot. Charlie does not sit in there. He is a child, but he is working as a shoeshine boy. He doesn't go school. He has a family, but he hasn't father. He lives with his mother and his brothers and sisters. One day a old man walking along the road. He sold the lottery tickets. One man bought it! " Give me a ticket!" Charlie was watching it. The man walking to taxi, and he ride on it. But he didn't notice that he dropped his ticket. Charlie said to him, "Your ticket!" But he didn't notice. Charlie brought at home it. He shows his mother. His mother said "tomorrow will be announcement day of this ticket. He has a dream the night. A goat the ticket. The goat also eat ticket numbers.
The next day, his mother went to there. Charlie went to there too. "Seven, Five, Three...."
What do you think that will be the lucky day for charlie's family?
(16341 words)
Book Review 2-13 A new Zealand Adventure

This story begins two girls arrived at New Zealand. They arrived at airport but they were late. Then, one boy waving to them."I can wait. You can use our taxi." "Thank you."
Their trip is so excited. Sarah founds a mobile phone. It is a boy's. Sarah and Jessica were worried. But they couldn't see him. The next day, they were at beach. They found a boy then. But he ride on bus, and the bus didn't stop. The some e-mail coming to this mobile phone. They tried to many time to return to him. When Sarah is bungy jumps, Jessica found him. She chased him but she forgot to bring Sarah's baggage. Sarah lost her baggage and money. "I'm sorry." Sarah said that. But they didn't know how to contact him, They deposit it to police station finally. They don't have much money....But they found him! They told to him about his mobile phone. He appreciated to them and he got good surprise them. It is whale watching tickets!
Movie Review 2-5 MASK

I write about characters in this movie first. Stanley is working at bank. He is good-natured, but he is kind. He falls in love with Tina. Milo is Stanley’s dog. Milo is always helps him. Tina is beautiful woman who working as a singer at night club. Dorian is a local gang; he attempts to rob the much money from Stanley’s bank.
Stanley Ipkiss is a bank clerk. He is kind, but a little credulous man. One day the beautiful woman came to his bank. The woman’s name is Tina. She is working at night club as a singer. Why she came to the bank? Her boyfriend Dorian ordered her to go to the bank, and reconnaissance there. Stanley was fallen love Tina. After that, he went to garage, because his car was broken. But his car was not fixed! He stopped at the river on his way to go home. He found the person who was drowning the river. He tried to help, but it was not person. He found the mask instead of person. The mask was made by wood. He put on it! Then he turned to someone. He changed another person. His appearance is green face, anyone knock down him. His character is also change of it. He did anything that he feels complaint always. He became strong.
The next morning, he woke up on his bed. He realized the last night happening is fact. He put on the mask again, and went to the bank which Dorian tried to rub the money. He robed it instead of them. After that he concerned Tina, so he went to the night club wearing the mask. He dancing and singing with Tina. His dancing was so great. Tina was also fallen love the Mask. But he was being hunted by the police. His crime was found. He wanted to said, “I love you.” to Tina, but he wasn’t said that. He was being hunted the local gung and Dorian too. He tried to help Tina. She was in hostage by Dorian. He took the mask from Stanley. He put on it then. Tina loves Stanley now, so she helped Stanley. He helped her finally, and another people also survived.
I watched this movie when I was preschool. I like this movie very much. This is entertainment movie, and romance between Stanley and Tina in this movie. When Stanley put on the mask, he changes his appearance and character. But I think everyone want to this only once. If we change ourselves, people will put on it. Stanley is being good mask man. But Dorian is not. The mask should select the person who is a good character or not.
(15983 wordas)
Stanley Ipkiss is a bank clerk. He is kind, but a little credulous man. One day the beautiful woman came to his bank. The woman’s name is Tina. She is working at night club as a singer. Why she came to the bank? Her boyfriend Dorian ordered her to go to the bank, and reconnaissance there. Stanley was fallen love Tina. After that, he went to garage, because his car was broken. But his car was not fixed! He stopped at the river on his way to go home. He found the person who was drowning the river. He tried to help, but it was not person. He found the mask instead of person. The mask was made by wood. He put on it! Then he turned to someone. He changed another person. His appearance is green face, anyone knock down him. His character is also change of it. He did anything that he feels complaint always. He became strong.
The next morning, he woke up on his bed. He realized the last night happening is fact. He put on the mask again, and went to the bank which Dorian tried to rub the money. He robed it instead of them. After that he concerned Tina, so he went to the night club wearing the mask. He dancing and singing with Tina. His dancing was so great. Tina was also fallen love the Mask. But he was being hunted by the police. His crime was found. He wanted to said, “I love you.” to Tina, but he wasn’t said that. He was being hunted the local gung and Dorian too. He tried to help Tina. She was in hostage by Dorian. He took the mask from Stanley. He put on it then. Tina loves Stanley now, so she helped Stanley. He helped her finally, and another people also survived.
I watched this movie when I was preschool. I like this movie very much. This is entertainment movie, and romance between Stanley and Tina in this movie. When Stanley put on the mask, he changes his appearance and character. But I think everyone want to this only once. If we change ourselves, people will put on it. Stanley is being good mask man. But Dorian is not. The mask should select the person who is a good character or not.
(15983 wordas)
Book Review 2-12 The Little Mermaid

When her birthday came, she goes to above the sea. Then, she found a handsome guy. He is a prince! But people's ship was destroyed, and the prince went out from the ship. The little mermaid helps soon! She fallen loved him. But she hasn't legs, so she put on the sand him. Then one girl came and she rescued him. The little mermaid was so sad. She loves him.
She ask to the sea witch. The witch told her to drink the medicine, but her beautiful voice will give me. She approved it. She drunk it, her tail became the legs.
She sat on the sand near the prince's palace. He found her and he helped. She wants to say that she was rescued you! But she can't speak.
The prince is also loves her. One day his father said him to marry the other country's princess. He doesn't want to marry except the little mermaid, but he met the princess. He misunderstood that the princess was rescued him.
The little mermaid was so shocked. They will marry. Then, her sisters came to here, and they said her. "The sea witch gave us the knife. You have to kill him use this knife. Then you can alive!" She went to his bedroom, she tried to kill him but she can't. She loves him even now.
She dived the sea. She decide to die herself. She have to die when the prince loves other girl. It was a promise with the sea witch. She rose up into the air. She had a new voice. She became the children of the air. She doesn't sad. She is in air with other air children.
She floated down, and she kissed the prince and his bride. Then she flew off into the sky.
I don't like prince. He is liberty. But he didn't know that the little mermaid rescued him. The end of the story, the little mermaid decided that she diving the sea. It means, she die. And I moved her action. She floated down she kissed them. I can't express my feeling. I forgot this story's content, but I read since I was elementally school.
(15532 words)2009年1月9日金曜日
Book Review 2-11 "The Revealing Story of Underwear"

Knockers were worn by men in middle ages. It is long size at first, but they did farm work. So, the short size is may useful for them. And they didn't have soap. Surprisingly, they even tried using animal dung
!!! I can't believe! After washed, they splurged on plenty perfume. Rich men wearing several pairs of drawers. But women didn't wearing it. They wore the simple tunic, under their dress. In the 17th century, women also wore drawers, but it is nit same of men. It is the seams between the legs were left wide open. They going to toilet is easy!

Today, people like much shorter and tighter pants. Everyone wants to comfortable and glamour one.
In the 16 century, people wore corsets. They like small waists and curry hips. The corsets can make the those body line. In the 20th century, corsets shrank to just circle waist, because the new fashion appeared.
Next, let me tell about the petticoats and hoops. The Spanish
liked a bell-sha frame. The French preferred a drum look...while the English went for a cone design. when corset went out of fashion, breasts need a different of support, so they wore camisoles. Brassiere is French word. Now, bras are big business for women. ( 15080 words)

these days
The new year began. I spend busy days. I submitted many documents to Australian embassy and la trobe university. I confirmed my exam schedule of fall term. My last exam is finish on 28 on January. I'll leave Japan on 31. I have short time to go to there. And I submitted my accommodation in Australia.
Recently, most of my friends are absent the school. They catch a cold or Influenza. I've never catch the Influenza. And I watched the news, the new Influenza will come this year. It is very bad it, the medicine isn't good effect. It is really scared!! I don't want to catch a cold before leave Japan!
Recently, most of my friends are absent the school. They catch a cold or Influenza. I've never catch the Influenza. And I watched the news, the new Influenza will come this year. It is very bad it, the medicine isn't good effect. It is really scared!! I don't want to catch a cold before leave Japan!
Coming of Age Day
I had a coming of age day on January 3. I got up at 4:00. And I went to hair salon at 5:00. It is really early time, but there are many people already there. The hair salon people set me, hair, make-up, wearing KIMONO. They looks busy. All finished it, I went to take picture with my mom. She drove for me all the day. There was also so many people.
After that, I went to the hall, because there was ceremony at there each city. I met many friends. I was so glad. Elementally school friends, junior high school friends. I was excited to met them. They didn't change anything. Of course appearance is change, but everyone don't change their character.
After ceremony, we took many pictures. And we went to our elementally school. We met our teacher! Surprisingly, he isn't change! We dig the ground. We buried something into box. The teacher into it the wine. I buried the letter and toys. I read the letter. It is so good letter(^◇^) I wrote on it like adult. I was surprised. I thought that I was more adult when I was elementally school student.
At night we went to restaurant. There were the teachers of junior high school. My friends and teachers brings me back old memories. I was so happy. Everyone said how they've been getting along. I said to go to Australia for 1 year. My friend said "Good luck." or "Ganbatte." Some friends working already. So, everyone spend their life individually. The day dispelled my ill feeling. Actually I was a little nervous, because we quarreled in junior high school days, but we had a very good time this time. So, I was happy. We went to KARAOKE, and we sung our junior high school song. It is a little embarrass. But it was very good memory for us. I want to meet them when I come back to Japan. (14722 words)
After that, I went to the hall, because there was ceremony at there each city. I met many friends. I was so glad. Elementally school friends, junior high school friends. I was excited to met them. They didn't change anything. Of course appearance is change, but everyone don't change their character.
After ceremony, we took many pictures. And we went to our elementally school. We met our teacher! Surprisingly, he isn't change! We dig the ground. We buried something into box. The teacher into it the wine. I buried the letter and toys. I read the letter. It is so good letter(^◇^) I wrote on it like adult. I was surprised. I thought that I was more adult when I was elementally school student.
At night we went to restaurant. There were the teachers of junior high school. My friends and teachers brings me back old memories. I was so happy. Everyone said how they've been getting along. I said to go to Australia for 1 year. My friend said "Good luck." or "Ganbatte." Some friends working already. So, everyone spend their life individually. The day dispelled my ill feeling. Actually I was a little nervous, because we quarreled in junior high school days, but we had a very good time this time. So, I was happy. We went to KARAOKE, and we sung our junior high school song. It is a little embarrass. But it was very good memory for us. I want to meet them when I come back to Japan. (14722 words)
New Year's Day
i went to a shrine. I drove the car. i bought talismans. And i take off fortune slip. The result was not good, but the content is good. And i bought a votive picture tablet of a horse with my mother. i wrote the wish on it.
i write 4 wish on it. It is first time for me to write. i hope my wish is come true.
i write 4 wish on it. It is first time for me to write. i hope my wish is come true.
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